POSTPONED!! Nikita Kochergin and Ekaterina Melnikova
cello and organ

Time & Location
24 Aug 2023, 13:20
St Ann's Church, 18 Dawson St, Dublin 2, D02 YV57, Ireland
About the Event
NIKITA KOCHERGIN graduated from the Central Special Music School and the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in 1990 as a cellist (in the class of Prof. N.N. Shakhovskaya). He was passionate about the idea of authentic performance of early music and in 1989, he joined the "Academy of Ancient Music" ensemble as a cellist under the direction of People's Artist of Russia Tatyana Grindenko at the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic. From 2000, he became a member of the group "OPUS POSTH.", whose activities are based on the concept of V.I. Martynov about the end of time for composers. From 1989 to 2014, he participated in all the projects of these ensembles, including two world premieres: the opera "Il Re-Pastore" by B. Galuppi and Vladimir Martynov's opera "Exercises and Dances of Guido," multimedia projects such as "Bach-2000," "Night in Galicia," and the play "Mozart and Salieri" at the School of Dramatic Art Theater under the direction of Anatoly Vasiliev. He also participated in the performance and recording on CD of "The Seven Last Words of Christ" by Joseph Haydn, as well as many others. Since 2009, Nikita Kochergin has been involved as a creator of the musical part in the projects of his wife, the renowned artist Asya Feoktistova. From 2014 to 2016, he studied and graduated from the Moscow Orthodox Choral Conducting Courses under the guidance of E.S. Kustovsky. He is a practicing choir conductor. Since October 2017, he has been the director of the S.I. Taneyev Museum in Dyutkovo. He engages in solo and ensemble activities, performing early and contemporary music, as well as improvisational projects. As the director, he organizes, conceptualizes, and participates in festivals and concerts held at the museum. In 2020, together with actor and director Dmitry Stolbtsov, he participated in the creation of the play "Invitation to Think" based on the life and works of poet Alexander Vvedensky. In addition to the music specially created for the play, three Irish slow airs are performed on the cello, which help to reveal the context and poetic images of the performance. In 2023, a new version of the play was made, and it was performed several times, including Moscow stages. EKATERINA MELNIKOVA Organist, composer and winner of many international competitions. Played in many famous venues from the Westminster Abbey in London and Notre-Dame de Paris to Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow. “Ekaterina is a marvellous musician! She has a fine sense of registration and colour.” Jean Guillou “She has a marvellous technical facility but in addition, such persuasion and energy in her interpretations combined with total commitment to the music she is playing.” Sir Nicholas Danby “Ekaterina is a prolific composer and arranger and has been commissioned to write music for several important Russian state cultural events, including the inauguration of the new Glatter-Götz organ at the Bolshoy Theatre. Ekaterina’s organ transcriptions of Saint-Saёns’ The Carnival of the Animals and Borodin’s Polovtian Dances are published by Wayne Leupold Editions.” Grand Organ Festival, Westminster Cathedral 2019 Born of a leading Moscow music family, Ekaterina Melnikova’s early talent was nurtured by the best of the Russian musical tradition. Her performance career includes important venues in Russia, the Middle East and Europe. 2005-2008 principal organist of Moscow RC Cathedral, 2003-2008 was teaching organ improvisation at the Russian Gnessin Academy of Music. 2000-2014 Organ Soloist of Moscow State Philharmonia. She gained the reputation of the master of organ transcriptions and creator of new organ repertoire. Since 2009 started to present organ projects in a new format where organist becomes an author and a performer, collaborating with other musicians, using modern stage production technology. Ekaterina has received several commissions to compose and perform music for state events at the most iconic of Russia’s venues